
Miquel Bacas Bastán
_Physiotherapy (Universitat de Vic, 2002) and Osteopathy (EOB, 2012).
_修士学位 & 民間資格: analytical manual therapy, Sohier concept; Diacutaneous fibrolysis; pediatric osteopathy; Osteopathy in the cranial field; Musculoskeletal ultrasound for physiotherapy; ); Strategic crossroads of the body; Structural tissue manipulation; Manipulation of intervertebral discs; Lumbar disc herniation resorption technique; Osteopathy in pediatrics…
Among many others
_Official instructor of Instrumental Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM) of the USA from 2015 to 2019.
_Professor in the Master of Instrumental Physiotherapy at the Camilo José Cela University (Madrid) since 2016.
_Academic coordinator and assistant at the Posgradosteopatia Barcelona “Os” graduate school since 2016.
_CoFounder and teacher of instrumental technique thewavesystem®
_プライベートクリニック 2002-
_ATPプロテニストーナメント 2002
Marc Capdevila Pons
_Physiotherapy (Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull, 2002) and Osteopathy (2008).
_Master in scientific evidence in physiotherapy (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 2012)
_Doctoral student in the comprehensive and health cures program at the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia.
_Diacutaneous fibrolysis course (Elkman method) (2003) and urinary incontinence course (2008).
_Professor in the Department of Physiotherapy at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia since 2015. Teacher in different subjects and Coordinator of the subject Intervention strategies in situations of chronic pain.
_Official IASTM instructor of the USA, from 2015 to 2019.
_Professor in the Master in instrumental physiotherapy at the Camilo José Cela University since 2016
_Co-founder and teacher of thewavesystem® instrumental technique
_プライベートクリニック 2002-
_Club Pati Vic 1stチーム(フィールドホッケー)2002-2009.
_F1 BAR-Honda/Honda 2003-2008
_1996年アトランタオリンピック 男子平泳ぎ 100m 決勝進出
_男子平泳ぎ 50m & 100m スペイン記録保持者